We are passionate about solving the toughest problems in audio

We are passionate about solving the toughest problems in audio

We are passionate about solving the toughest problems in audio

Science as a compass

“I have been doing research on pyannote for more than a decade. I'm excited that next-generation speaker diarization is now accessible to everyone.”

Hervé Bredin, PhD

Inventor of pyannote

Our mission

“Our mission is to develop state-of-the-art speech AI models to empower businesses, researchers and individuals to unlock the full potential or audio data"

Vincent Molina

CEO pyannoteAI

Discover the research behind the technology

Discover the research
behind the technology

Discover the research behind
the technology

Speaker diarization

Speaker identification

Speaker separation

Overlapping speech

Change point detection

Voice activity detection

© 2024 pyannoteAI

© 2024 pyannoteAI

© 2024 pyannoteAI